Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Oshawa Taxpayers Federation says...

Reserved Parking

Morning Light

April Thaw


Niagara Falls
Photo Copyright
C Upchurch 2009

Happy Canada Day!!!

We would like to wish all our members and fellow Canadians a safe and fun Canada Day. A gentle reminder to all to enjoy your beverages responsibly.

Don't forget - our General Meeting is this Thursday 2nd July 2009 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Bobby Orr Lounge at the Civic Centre. We hope that you were able to spread the word and invite all your friends, neighbours, and family
to the meeting and we all look forward to seeing you all there!!

We are always available to answer any questions or comments you may have via our E-Mail at otf.inbox@gmail.com, or feel free to leave your comments and questions at the bottom of each post or at the very bottom of our blog.

For activities and festivities going on in Durham Region, click on THIS LINK, courtesy of newsdurhamregion.com


The Trillium

Canadian Geese coming home
Photo Copyright
C Upchurch 2009

Achieving Accountability for Oshawa Taxpayers' Rights

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Published Reports now available!

As the Oshawa Taxpayers' Federation grows, so does our site. We have now created links to the various reports that impact Oshawa residents.

Located on the sidebar at the right side of this blog, click on the links for the information you are interested in and they will lead you to our Oshawa Taxpayers Federation website that contains the PDF (Adobe Acrobat) files.

You will need Adobe Reader to view these files and you may download it for free.

FIVE more days until our General Meeting and we hope to see you there! If you haven't yet, please tell family, friends, and neighbors of the Meeting as TOGETHER we can make a difference!

Achieving Accountability for Oshawa Taxpayers' Rights

Friday, June 26, 2009

Meeting Andrew Jeffery, Director and Media Coordinator Oshawa Taxpayers Federation

Andrew Jeffery is a Professional Engineer that has worked in the area for more than 7 years and chose Oshawa as the home front for his family.

As a concerned Oshawa Resident, Andrew has taken the opportunity to work with the OTF to help improve the fiscal accountability of Oshawa City Council. His goal is to achieve parity with other municipalities in the Durham Region.

"The taxes continue to go up while the services go
down.... it's time to buck trend." - Andrew Jeffery

Achieving Accountability for Oshawa Taxpayers' Rights

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Oshawa Taxpayers Federation is now on FACEBOOK!

As the Oshawa Taxpayers Federation grows, so do the outlets in order to get the message to as many concerned Oshawa citizens.

To that end, the OTF is now on Facebook! We have a profile and Group and we encourage everybody to let your friends and neighbors know that we are a Federation that cares.

Achieving Accountability for Oshawa Taxpayers' Rights

Oshawa City Council 2009 Report Cards are In!

What grade did your local councillor get?

Achieving Accountability for Oshawa Taxpayers' Rights

Meeting Alan Slater, Director Oshawa Taxpayers Federation

Alan Slater is a retired Professional Consulting Engineer who designed facilities and solved problems for many of the firms and institutions in Canada, including GM, Oshawa, GM Diesel, London, and GM, St Therese.

Recently, he was involved with the Cramahe Ratepayers Association in Northumberland County, and developed a Fixed Value Assessment system to replace the dysfunctional Market Value fiasco.

Achieving Accountability for Oshawa Taxpayers' Rights

Meeting Viv Woolford, President Oshawa Taxpayers Federation Board of Directors

Viv Woolford II has been involved with his communities since 1969.

He has worked with all three levels of Government to effect change. Currently retired and serving on 4 Boards of Directors and 1 committee, Viv feels that he has an obligation to make a difference in his community.

"My goal is to show my neighbours how beneficial getting involved can be." Viv I.B. Woolford II

Achieving Accountability for Oshawa Taxpayers' Rights

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Oshawa Taxpayers Federation in "A Tale of Two Taxpayers Groups"

The Oshawa Taxpayers Federation (OTF) has been written about in a recent article by Jillian Follert on 23rd June 2009 Oshawa This Week.

As a reminder, our next General Meeting is next Thursday 2nd June 2009 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Bobby Orr Lounge at the Oshawa Civic Centre, 99 Thornton Road South.

Save the date! Tell your neighbours and friends and get involved! We all look forward to seeing you there!

Achieving Accountability for Oshawa Taxpayers' Rights

Friday, June 12, 2009

General Meeting - 2 July 2009 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Information Insert in your recent Oshawa Property Tax Statement

The Oshawa Taxpayers Federation (OTF) is a Non-Profit, Non-Partisan organization of concerned Oshawa citizens that have been spurred to action.

A General Meeting will be held at the Bobby Orr Room at the Oshawa Civic Centre on 2 July 2009, Thursday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The OTF encourages all residents of Oshawa to get involved and come participate at this meeting! An agenda shall be provided prior to the commencement of the meeting.

Come and make your voice heard.

TOGETHER we can restore
in the City of Oshawa
There is unlimited strength in unity.

Your response to this Call to action will result in Change at City Hall

Achieving Accountability for Oshawa Taxpayers' Rights